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Reception Assessment

From September 2021 The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) has become statutory from  in all maintained primary, infant and first schools in England. It is a short, activity-based assessment of pupils’ early mathematics, literacy, communication and language skills, taken within the first weeks of starting reception.


At Whitefield, we use an observational approach to assessment during the Reception school year and gather children's responses to teaching activities to gather information, which feeds into a group ‘Floor Book', containing photographs, observations and examples of learning.  Each child is tracked termly, to ensure they are meeting termly 'check points' and they work towards the Early Learning Goals by the end of Reception.  

     Key Stage One Assessment


The programmes of study within the new National Curriculum (NC) set out expectations at the end of each Key Stage, and we have developed a curriculum relevant to our pupils that teaches this content. The curriculum includes an assessment system which enables us to check what our pupils have learned and whether they are on track to meet expectations at the end of the Key Stage. We will report this to parents throughout the year.



 Formal Assessment


  • EYFS – National Baseline, Autumn, Spring and Summer Termly Tracking, Summer Profile Score
  • Year 1 – Summer Term Phonics Screening
  • Year 2 – Summer Term English, Maths and Science Testing

What do we mean by 'Expected' progress?

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