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A picture tells a thousand words

This half term we are taking part in a whole school project called, 'A picture tells a thousand words'. Each class was given a piece of artwork to start off their project. Our artwork was by an artist called Sonia Delauney.


Can you find out some interesting facts about Sonia Delauney?

Do you like her art work?

What do you like about it?

What sorts of colours does she like to use?

What does she create art of? What inspires her?

What does she use to create her artwork?

We looked carefully at Sonia Delauney's artwork and explored the shapes and colours she uses. We noticed she uses lots of curved lines and shapes like circles and triangles. Delauney likes to use bright colours like red, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple and pink.

We used different sized shapes and circles to create our own sketches in the style of Sonia Delauney. Then we used water colours and oil pastels to add bright colours to our artwork.

We went outside into our forest school to find things that matched the colours Sonia Delauney used. We made a list of the things we found and collected vocabulary to help us with our writing this week.

We used the vocabulary we collected to help us write poems about colours in nature and all the beautiful colours in our world.

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