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After making our own Bog Babies we made them a very special habitat for them to live in. We then wrote a set of instructions detailing what we needed and what we did.

Linking to our topic on ‘keeping Nelson tidy’ we have been writing letters to the local community persuading them to help us reduce litter on the streets.

Billy Goats Gruff 
To help us learn and understand our core text ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ we created our own main character from the story and acted out the story in the forest school. 

Performance Poetry - My Little House

Still image for this video
Take a look at the poem we have learnt this term ...

We have been working hard in phonics, learning our phonemes, practising our blending for reading and segmenting for spelling! Remember to read with your children every night to practise the skills they have learnt.

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