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Nursery Rhymes

The children have settled

really well into nursery! We are really proud of them all!

The children have had lots of fun exploring our  nursery environment!

Our topic this half term is 'Nursery Rhymes'


We will be learning lots of different songs and rhymes to help support our children's language acquisition. These are some of our favourites!  

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, 'Twinkle Twinkle Litter Star'. Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC Teach on Fridays when we have them in: If you found this video helpful, give it a like. Share it with someone.

Baa, baa, black sheep | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme 'Baa, Baa, black Sheep'. Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC Teach on Fridays when we have them in: If you found this video helpful, give it a like. Share it with someone.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive'. Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC Teach on Fridays when we have them in: If you found this video helpful, give it a like.

Horsie, horsie don't you stop | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, Horsie, Horsie, Don't You Stop. Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC Teach on Fridays when we have them in: If you found this video helpful, give it a like. Share it with someone.

Look at some of our wonderful self portraits!

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