For our Summer 2 whole school project we have been focusing on the 2024 Paris Olympics. Throughout this topic we will be exploring and learning all about the history and traditions of the Olympic Games.
Over the next few weeks, we will be focusing on the core text ‘All about the Olympic Games’.
This week in our English, we have been learning the poem ‘Throwing Things’ by Steve Rodgers. We practised performing this poem and then decided to write our own version. As a class we discussed lots of different things we could throw and then worked in groups to write up the verses.
Each class was given a country to focus our learning on and ours was Poland 🇵🇱 The children started their geography by trying to guess where they thought Poland was located on a map of Europe. Then they used atlases and the globe to find it and other information about the country.
As our country was Poland the artist we decided to focus on was Gosia Herba - a polish illustrator. We explored the types and style of art that Gosia creates. Then we were inspired to try and create our own line drawings in the style of Gosia Herba. We started by using viewfinders to focus on small areas of her illustrations to practise the basic lines and shapes she uses.
During our Forest school lessons this half term, we have been looking at tree rubbing, scavenger hunts and den building. The children have loved going out into the forest school and using the nature around them and learning from it. They had to use communication and teamwork too try and build a den together.
Over the past couple of weeks in our English, we have been looking at the Olympian - gymnast ‘Simone Biles’. The children loved researching all about her and then using that research to make a fact file all about her. They have also created a diary entry about ‘a day in the life’ of Simone Biles. They have loved watching some videos of her competing in the Rio and Tokyo Olympic Games.
To continue with our Art, we looked at some buildings in Nelson and Poland and tried to draw them in our sketch books in the style of Gosia Herba. The children using lines and shapes to create their pieces of art. The week after they then copied them onto coloured pastel paper ready to be put up on display. They also used the light box to try and trace some buildings from Gosia Herbas illustrations. The children have loved this style of art.
In Maths this half term we have looked at a range of topics including, time, measurement and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have loved the range of activities set out for the, over the past few weeks. Here are just a few selected pictures from their learning.
In Geography the children have been looking at the human and physical features of Poland. They then compared them to the human and physical features of England. We talked about the similarities and differences.
In our DT this half term, we have made some fruit kebabs. We also had ours with some polish custard. The children talked about what they needed, how to be safe with the equipment and what types of skills they would need to use. They really enjoyed this afternoon activity.
In Science we looked at the questions ‘Are all humans the same?’. As a class we discussed this and then chose a question to focus on and test out - do we all do the same number of jumps in 20 seconds. The children gave their opinions and then we talked about how we could make our experiment a fair test. We then went outside to complete the test. The children all loved joining in and taking part in the counting of their friends jumps. When we got back to class we looked at our results and evaluated our initial question.
In PE this half term, the children have been looking at striking and fielding. They have enjoyed learning the skills and the different throws they can use. Here are some of the games the children have been playing whilst using the skills they have learnt.
Our end of term display showcasing all our incredible work we have done!