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Sparkle and Shine

In Literacy we have been experimenting with mark making. We have been drawing pre-writing patterns and we have been learning new phonemes and graphemes.


The graphemes we will be learning in the second half term are:


 g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll ss


Please help your child consolidate these at home


Thank you :)


Diwali - Festival of Light


This term we have been learning all about different celebrations. We have been discussing the similarities and differences between Eid and Diwali. Diwali is the 'Festival of Light' and we have learned about the story of Rama and Sita

Diwali 'Festival of Light'



We watched a video of the Royal Wedding and compared it to weddings from other cultures. We used fabric to dress up and re-enact a wedding scene using voille as wedding veils and cloths as scarves.

We wore some beautiful looking hats as well..... Have a look at our role play learning:



Measuring up for our wedding suits/ outfits



We learned about the Christmas Story and re-enacted it using the small world nativity resources. We visited a local church and spoke to the Reverend about the beliefs of Christians. We compared the celebrations of Eid and Christmas, noting the similarities and differences between the two cultures.

Look at our photographs of us decorating our Class Christmas Tree. We also incorporated our interests into our ICT lessons with Mrs Hardacre and enjoyed designing our own digital Christmas trees and gifts:

Our Christmas Party


The children had a wonderful day celebrating at our Christmas party.  The had a lovely party lunch, played lots of party games and we even had a visit from a very special visitor.

Phonics Workshop


We really enjoyed having our parents in Class 1 to showcase how we learn about phonics, phonemes, digraphs and graphemes. We played lots of fun games with our parents and learned lots of new sounds.

Go Velo


This term we were lucky enough to get a visit from 'Go Velo'. Class 1 children completed 3 intensive days of 'bikeability' classes, which improved our balance, coordination and confidence. So many children were able to ride a bike by the end of the 3 sessions. We absolutely loved it. Look at our photographs!

Learning in our classroom


We have had lots of fun learning in the different areas of our classroom. Have a look at the different activities we complete during continuous provision time....



Continuous Provision

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