This half term our topic is ‘Growth’. We will be doing lots of learning in the school environment to develop our knowledge of Growth.
Our core text this half term is The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis.
In English we created our own Bog Babies and then created them a habitat. We thought of nouns and adjectives and this then helped us write a description of the setting for our Bog Babies story.
In Art we have been learning about Georgia O’Keefe. Georgia O’Keefe is famous for her painting of flowers. The children have looked at her paintings, looked closely at the shape and carefully sketched the lines they could see.
The children then took some colour swatches and held them against the flowers outside to see the different colours. They then created their own colour swatches from what they saw using different media.
As part of our Science lessons Steve Lewis Neille visited the class to teach us about how different animals change and grow. We explored different habitats around Forest School and found lots of minibeasts! We have caterpillars and tadpoles in our class too!
We have planted our own sunflowers and are observing how these will grow and change over time. We have also learnt about the different parts of a plant.