Home Page

Class 6

Welcome to Class 6.



Our teachers are Mrs Graham, Mrs Kauser and Mrs Ahmed.


We are always at the classroom door each morning and at the end of the day. At this time we are all still trying to be careful and keep our distance, we really appreciate your understanding with this. If there is anything important you need to ask please don't hesitate to ask a member of staff or use our class email address and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Parent reminders




Our P.E day is Wednesday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their P.E clothes on Wednesdays and has a water bottle in school. Thank you!


Our school PE Kit is: 


A white t-shirt


Black jogging bottoms


Black pumps 


Please make sure your child also has their school jumper or cardigan on as well. 


Home Learning

Maths and English home learning will be given out on a Wednesday and is to be returned to school on a Monday. If you have any questions about the home learning please see your class teacher.


Reading Books

Your child's reading book will be changed regularly throughout the week, please make sure that they have their reading bag in school every day.

Please help your child by listening to them every night for 10 minutes and signing their reading record.  


Please click on the Power Point link underneath to learn about life in year 1!

Click below to see our learning for each half term!

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