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This half term our core text is 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge. We will also be reading 'The Lonely Beast' by Chris Judge during our guided reading sessions. 

In English we wrote poems about where the Great Explorer might travel. Then we performed our poems as a group and used musical instruments to add sound effects. 

Watch some of our performances by clicking on the page below! 

To bring our explorers topic to life we went on a visit to Outdoor Elements. We took part in lots of amazing activities like shelter building, bread making and problem solving games. We learnt lots and got some first hand experiences for what it might be like to be an explorer! 

In English we collected vocabulary to help us describe the setting of Antarctica. We thought about which nouns and adjectives we could use in our writing. 

In P.E we worked on our catching and throwing skills. We practised finding space in a game, defending and marking other players. 

In art we looked at the work of Ted Harrison and we thought about warm and cool colours that we could see. 

In R.E we used drama to act out the nativity story. We are leaning about why Christians call Jesus the ‘light if the world.’ 

We painted landscapes in the style of Ted Harrison. We thought about the skills we had learnt this half term when exploring line and colour and added these to our final pieces. 

We enjoyed a visit from Steven Lewis Neille, our local scientist. We continued our work on materials and their properties by deciding which materials are most suitable to make a home for a mouse. We described their properties and then tested our homes to see if the mouse liked them! 

We used drama to act out Captain Scott’s race to the South Pole. We thought about how Scott would feel at different parts of his expedition and used our ideas to write a diary entry. 

In DT we designed and made a sandwich for an explorer. Once we had made our sandwich we evaluated our final product. 

After all of our hard work this half term we had a special visit from Father Christmas!

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