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Grand Designs

This term our core text is 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'

We used 'talk for write' to remember and write our stories.

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We wrote, edited and published our stories...

Take a look at our learning journey from this half term ...

Our classroom display showcasing our learning all about ‘bridges’

This half terms performance poetry- 'Empty Cottage' by Tony Mitton

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We conducted an experiment to investigate which material was best to make a new mop for Cinderella. We tested different materials and observed what happened. We specifically looked for level 'absorbency' and 'strength'. 

Ask your child if they can retell you the results of our experiment and which material was best! 

History and Art

This week we went on a local walk to 'Whitefield Bridge'. We talked about the history of the bridge such as when it was built, what was it used for in the past and who built it. Linking with Vincent Van Gogh we also looked at the lines, shapes and details of the bridge and created a sketch whilst we were there. 


We went on another local walk to the motorway bridge. We talked about how it was 'similar' and 'different' to the Whitefield bridge, how it was made of different materials and how each one was 'old' and 'new'. We used our  comparisons in our history lesson. 

Bridges and Structures

We have been learning all about bridges linking to our core text ' The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We have been using different resources in the construction area to try and build our own structures and bridges. 


In our Science learning we have been using our knowledge on 'properties' to feel different items and guess what they were. The children said things like 'It feels soft and stretchy, it must be fabric'. 

Can you play this game at home with the items in your house? 


A glimpse into our maths this week and we have been using money to represent the place value of a number using 10ps and 1ps and we have also been using coins to count in steps of 2s, 5s, and 10s. 


This term in Science we are learning all about materials. We have been looking at the different materials that things are made out of and went on a material hunt around school to see what we could find that was made of 'wood, glass, metal, fabric and plastic'. We then used ICT to make a 'picollage' to display what we had found. 


This term we have been enjoying music with Mrs Brunton. We have been looking at the 'Rhythm and Blues' genre and practising keeping to the beat and playing rhythms using claves, xylophones  and chime bars. 

Take a look at our playing and keeping to the beat

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