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The Great Fire of London

This half term we are learning all about the history of The Great Fire of London. We will be using non-fiction texts to help us research and find out all about it.

We looked at artefacts and evidence from the Great Fire, such as, burnt wood, ash, newspaper articles, letters and diary entries. We found facts from the evidence about what happened and recorded our findings.

We know about things that happened in the past from things that were left behind at the time. We found that artists work was one of the best ways to find out about what happened.

Can you research with an adult at home and find out the answers to these questions:


When did the Great Fire of London start?

Where did it start?

How did it start?

Why did the fire spread so quickly?

How did they put the fire out?

How did they rebuild London?

Drama activities linked to the Great Fire of London to collect vocabulary and support our writing.

In History we compared the Great Fire of London to the fire at the Imperial Hall in Nelson. Mr Wilkinson, an eye-witness to the fire at the Imperial Hall came into school to talk about his experiences and answer our questions.

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