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In Literacy we have been experimenting with mark making. We have been drawing pre-writing patterns and we have been learning new phonemes and graphemes.


The graphemes we will be learning in the first half term are:


s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b


Please help your child consolidate these at home


Thank you :)

In Maths we have been representing the value of numbers 1-5. We are looking in detail at the different ways we can make a number e.g


2 and 3 makes 5,

1 and 1 makes 2 


Please help your child at home with this consolidation


Thank you :)



In general we have been busy making lots of new friends!! All the children have settled so well into school and I am happy to say that everyone in class is very kind and caring towards each other.


Please see some photographs of our indoor and outdoor provision since we started in September 2022



Thank you for looking at our half termly learning :)



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