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The school adheres to Lancashire's Admissions Policy


Parents may register their child for nursery at any time. The child’s birth certificate or passport will be required when registering your child for the Nursery.


Children may start school in September of the school year in which they attain their fifth birthday. The current standard admission number for Whitefield School is 90 in each year group. Parents who are considering sending their children to this school are welcome to visit the school. The Headteacher, Mrs Mason, will be happy to meet parents, show them round the school and answer any questions they may have.


The Local Education Authority controls admissions to the school.

How to apply for a Reception place:

You can apply for place following the link at the bottom of this page.


If all vacancies at the school have been filled, parents may appeal in writing against the L.E.A’s decision. Arrangements will be made for a parent to have the opportunity of stating his / her case to an Appeals Committee under the second schedule of the Education Act 1980 whose decision shall be final.


Induction Procedures:

Once a parent has accepted a place for their child they will be invited to a parent’s meeting in school to learn about the school day and the curriculum the children will be following. This will be followed by some short stay visits to school for your child. It is school policy to admit Nursery and Reception children on a part time basis until the teacher and parent feels the child is settled.

It is important that these arrangements remain flexible to cater for the individual needs of the children.


Transition Programme: Year 2 - Year 3

At the end of Year 2 the majority of children transfer to Lomeshaye Junior School. In order to make the transition as smooth as possible and to ensure continuity in learning, Year 2 and Year 3 staff liaise closely throughout the year. In the Summer Term parents and children visit Lomeshaye Junior School whilst staff engage in meetings to exchange pupil information.


A full copy of the schools Admission Policy can be found here:


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 



To appeal for a place at Whitefield, please fill in the online appeal form in the link below:

Primary school appeals - Lancashire County Council


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