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Phonics Phases

Phonics Phases and Tricky Words

Phase 6

Once the children have reached Phase 6 they follow the 'Red Rose Year 2 Spelling Programme' is then used, which is a spelling programme that follows on from 'Red Rose Letters and Sounds' and it is specifically designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.  

High Frequency Words

High frequency words are quite simply those words which occur most frequently in written material, for example, "and", "the", "as" and "it". They are often words that have little meaning on their own, but they do contribute a great deal to the meaning of a sentence. Some of the high frequency words can be sounded out using basic phonic rules, e.g. "it" is an easy word to read using phonics. However, many of the high frequency words are not phonically decodable and are therefore hard to read in the early stages. They can sometimes be called 'tricky words'. Have a play and practise these with your children.

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