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Our text this half term is 'The man on the Moon (A day in the life of Bob)' which is written by Simon Bartram. 

We will use the text to write character descriptions, write recounts in the role of Bob, inspire our own stories based on the plot and also try to persuade our teacher to take us on a trip to the Moon! We are enjoying reading lots of other Simon Bartram books such as ' Bob and the Moontree mystery' and 'Bob's best ever friend'.



This half-term the topics we will cover are :-

  • Place value
  • Addition and subtraction 
  • Position and direction
  • Multiplication and division
  • Time

To show our place value knowledge, we will partition numbers in different ways, compare numbers using <, > and = signs, and represent numbers on number lines. We will apply our knowledge of the four operations to solve problems in real-life contexts. We will use our understanding of fractions and time to help us understand 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 turns, clockwise and anti-clockwise.



Linking our learning in geography to our 'flight' topic, we will compare where we live to Nelson in Canada. We will start by looking at our local area and then compare it to Nelson in Canada. We will research, and compare the human and physical features found in each area, discussing the similarities and differences. We will show what we learn by producing video comparisons. Use the link to see if you can find any similarities or differences between Nelson (UK) and Nelson (Canada)

Nelson - Google Maps


In D.T we will be creating a moving vehicle. We will start by looking at vehicles and investigate how they move. Using construction kits we will then create a product that moves. We will problem solve when we are building. Then we will explore wheels, axles and axle holders.  This will help us create a design for our Moon Buggy! We will then create our design and evaluate our finished product. Have a look at some of our awesome vehicles we created using construction kits!




Linking to our core text and our overall topic of 'flight,' in our History learning we will explore the history of flight and the first moon landing. We used various sources of evidence to investigate the first moon landing and sequence the main events. We created timelines using dates to sequence the history of human flight and discussed the similarities and differences between old and modern flying machines. We will also do some research and have a look at other famous pilots such as Amelia Earhart who was the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean! 

Nelson Library visit

As a class we went to visit Nelson Library. We learnt about how to become a member of the Library and the exciting things that happen. We did lots of fun activities as well as read some books and went on a character hunt! We had lots of fun! 



Class 7 were declared the winners of our annual sports day! We are super happy as we all have worked very hard. This has proved that our favourite quote is correct, “Team work makes the Dream work” We are proud of everyone! 


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