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Messages from Mrs Wilkinson

28th February 2021

Well, this is the last week of remote learning. Hurray! It will be amazing to all be back at school again. I want to say a very big thank you to you all for the support you have given your children this year. There is one last pack to complete at home. You're nearly there now.

I'd like to see all the home learning your children have done over the last couple of months so please can you make sure they bring it back when they return on 8th March. 

Stay safe and well and I'll see you all soon.

22nd February 2021

I hope you have all had as good a holiday as possible. I am so happy to know that we will be back at school on 8th March. It will be so good to see the children again and get on with teaching and learning in the classroom. 

Make the most of the next couple of weeks, especially if the weather stays nice, to go out for walks and enjoy the fresh air and all the beautiful things to be seen in nature as we get close to spring. Thank you all for your support. It really is appreciated. 

14th February 2021

Hi everyone. I hope you are all safe and well. Our superstar learners this week are Saman and Hassan who have both been doing lots of learning on Purple Mash. They are both extremely skilled at using a computer. If you have a computer why don't you have a look at Purple Mash? Your children all have their own log in details. It's just a fun way of learning.

I hope you all have a lovely holiday. I'm hoping the weather is nice and I can go out for some walks. Take care and stay safe. We must be getting near the end of all this! 

5th February 2021

I am very pleased to be getting more home learning via emails. You are all trying so hard to help your children and I really appreciate it.

This week's star learner is Barrah. She has worked hard throughout the lockdown and I am very proud of her.

Well done Barrah!

4th February 2021

I had a lovely email and some photographs from Barrah's mummy. She has been supporting Barrah throughout this lockdown and the standard of learning is extremely high. She even found the time to make pancakes with Barrah. This is learning that she will remember forever. I am so grateful for the support that Barrah's mummy and other parents are giving their children.

Hang on in there! It won't be long now!

29th January 2021

It was very hard to choose the Remote Learners of the Week, this week, so I have chosen 3! Well done to Husna, Ariba and Ayesha. They have been working so hard. I am so grateful for all the support they have received from their families. I know how hard it must be to keep the children on task. Thank you all for helping your children. Hopefully not too long now. Stay safe and well.

26th January 2021

Hi everyone. Still no news about when the schools will be reopening. I'm so sorry about that. I know how hard it must be for you all at the moment. Just try your best and don't expect to get through all the home learning we have sent. Don't forget to send me some photos of your child's learning. It would be so good to see it.

We have a beautiful new baby in class 7. Here she is with her lovely big sister. Congratulations to all the family.


22nd January 2021

Thank you to everyone who has supported their child in their learning this week. I am extremely grateful for all you have done.

It was a very hard decision but today's Home Learning Super Stars are Adam and Amira. I want to say a huge thank you to their mums who have ben working so hard to help them this week. 

17th January 2021

Hi everyone. I hope your new learning packs have arrived, ready for Monday. We have made sure they are much easier to follow. Please try and send me some photos of the learning so that I can share it with the class. I am so grateful for your help. I can’t wait to get back to normal. Does anyone remember what that is!

12th January 2021

Hi everyone. Are you all working hard? Why don’t you send me some of your learning. I would love to see it. I had an email from Adam’s mum today. She says he is working very hard. I am so pleased with him.

i am missing you all very much. Please can you send me a picture of yourself. You could just draw one or, if you have coloured pencils, you can colour it in. I look forward to “seeing” you all!


11th January 2021

Hi everyone. I hope you and your families are safe and well. I hope you all have your learning packs now. I would love to see some of your learning. Ask a grown up to send it to me via an email. I will start a class 7 gallery to showcase all your learning. Remember to complete a ToDo on Purple Mash, if you are able to use a computer.

Click on the link to listen to Mr Wolf and the Three Bears.

Hello everyone. I hope you and your families are safe and well. I am very happy because some of Class 7 have sent me some photographs of their home learning. If you do some learning that you are very proud of, ask a grown up if they can take a photograph and send it to me via an email. I am looking forward to seeing some more of your learning.

If you are allowed to use a computer you could do some learning on Purple Mash and send that to as well.

Stay safe! Missing you all so much!

Thank you to Husna and Ibrahim! Well done. Super learning!
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