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Olympics (Summer Project)

The Olympics


This year for our whole school project we are focusing on The Olympics. The project will make children have an awareness and understanding of a significant, global event in the world. It will promote our school values of respect, diversity, teamwork and effort, and the importance of caring for our own physical and mental well-being. During this half term we will base all our learning on the Olympics and Spain, which is the country we have been given. We can’t wait to learn more about this amazing event! 



In our English lessons we started by looking at a poem all about ‘Superlatives'. As a class we came up with lots of superlatives which best describe those who participate in The Olympics. We then thought about a sports personality who is ‘The Greatest’ of all time! So we decided to base our poem on MUHAMMAD ALI, who is the greatest boxer of all time! Take a look at our poem that we created about Muhammad Ali.
We will then learn and do lots of research about the Olympics and write our own non-fiction reports which will include the history of The Olympics, sports played and much more. We will then find out about our Olympic hero which is Muhammad Ali and write a fact file and diary in role as him. 

Boxing session


We had a special visitor come in to talk to us about boxing and teach us some of his amazing boxing moves! Mr. Zohaib is a professional boxer who has won many local boxing tournaments. He told us that his biggest inspiration was Muhammad Ali who is the Olympic athlete we are researching in our English lessons. We then went onto learning some different boxing moves. We had a terrific time! 


Still image for this video

Boxing Experts!

Still image for this video



In Geography we will be learning all about Spain. We will look at the human and physical features and the similarities between the country and the United Kingdom. In our lessons we located Spain on the map. We viewed some 360 virtual views of famous landmarks in Spain on our iPads. We also labelled the seas and looked on google maps for human and physical features. We made note of famous landmarks and other places. We then looked at similarities and differences of Spain and Nelson.



In Art we have been given a famous artist from Spain named Antoni Gaudi. We made a start by looking at his famous mosaic style. We used the view finders to look closely at the art work. We sketched what we could see by using different shapes. We found out that Gaudi was inspired by nature so we decided to create some designs which were inspired by Park Guell in Spain which we will use to change Victoria Park. We would love to use our designs which will be inspired by Gaudi. 



In Science we have been learning about plants. We set up an investigation. We also learnt that plants need lots of things to grow including sunlight, air, water and much more. We want to know if plants can grow without light or warmth. We are going to observe the seeds each week and record our findings. We also planted our own seeds to grow our own bean plant! We can’t wait to see our plants grow!

Visit to Sacred Hearts


As part of our Building Bridges project we visited Sacred Hearts Primary School. We met up with our linked classroom and took part in lots of outdoor activities. We went on a fun hunt and did lots of sports outside on the field. We had lots of fun and can’t wait for them to come to our school soon!

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