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This half term our core text is 'The Bog Baby' we will be exploring the topic of growth through this and using the outdoors to enhance the children's learning. 

This week we have designed a habitat for our Bog Baby and then we went into the forest school to make a safe habitat for them. We enjoyed making these and keeping our Bog Baby's safe. The children took these home and they have been telling me all about the adventures they have been on together. 

In science we have planted some bean seeds, caught some tadpoles and we have caterpillars in our class, so we can observe the changes over time. The children are fascinated with the caterpillars and watching as they change. 

In science we have been looking at the parts of a plant. The children looked at some real flowers and carefully cut them into the different parts observing closely to help them name each part and the functions that it has. 

We have had a very special visitor in school today. He is a scientist called Steven Lewis Neill. The children spent the morning learning about minibeasts and pond life. The children used nets to go pond dipping to see what pond creatures they could find. They found lots of tadpoles, some water slugs and leeches. When hunting for minibeasts they found earwigs, centipedes, millipedes, slugs, woodlouse and lots more! 

This week we have had a very special visitor from the creepy crawly roadshow. He brought some minibeasts in and told us lots of interesting facts. He even let us hold them. Can you see yourself with one of the creepy crawlies. 

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