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What if...? (Spring 1)


Our topic this half-term was 'What If...?'. As a progression from last year's work on traditional tales, we looked at traditional tales with a twist - stories with alternative endings, for example.

We began our topic with riddles, recapping our favourite fairy tale characters, and writing our own riddles to describe them. 

Our key text was Mr Wolf and the Three Bears by Jan Fearnley. We used the text to describe all the delicious-looking food that Mr Wolf made for Baby Bear's birthday party, and the main characters in the story. We explored the different characters feelings and personalities by writing letters and used the main plot to write our own innovated versions. 

To finish our unit, we made Daddy Bear's Chocolatey Huff Puff Cakes and wrote instructions so you can follow our recipes - We hope you like them as much as we did!


In maths, we learnt about place value, measures (mass, volume and capacity), addition and subtraction, money, and multiplication and division. We looked at scales and used our place value knowledge to identify missing numbers, and learned how we round numbers to the nearest 10. We measured practically using grams to find the mass of different objects and ml when investigating volume and capacity. Using jottings, we learnt how and when to exchange when adding or subtracting. We used coins to make values in different ways, added values together to find the total cost of items and calculated how much we would have left to spend if we had a given amount and had spent some. We have looked at arrays in multiplication and sharing in division. 


Our topic in science this half-term was Living Things and their Habitats. We will continue to study this topic in the second half of the Spring term.

We began by recapping what we remember from Year 1 by naming and classifying different animals. We then looked at the processes of living things (MRS GREN!) and compared things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. We have looked at how energy is transferred between living things and described simple food chains. 


In art, we studied William Morris; a textile designer from London who was born in 1834. We studied his use of nature in his artwork and used view-finders to ‘zoom in’ on his designs. To support our science learning on living things, we looked closely at different leaves and created designs to turn into stampers. We created our stampers using foam and used them to make repeating-pattern prints using paint. We enjoyed exploring hoe to make the best prints possible and experimented with different colours and shades.


Our geography learning this half-term was linked to our English topic of traditional tales. We began by looking at fairy stories and sorting the human and physical features we found. We decided which features we would include in our own fairy tale lands and created maps, including symbols in a key. We used our maps to show how characters could move between the features, using compass points to describe the routes. 


The religion we learnt about in RE was Hinduism, and the practices of Hindu worship. We thought about devotion and explored what and who we are devoted to. We talked about the different ways we show our devotion and the things that are special to ourselves. We talked about the different ways w can show gratitude and respect to the people who really matter to us.
After looking at different pictures of Hindu deities, we talked about why they are portrayed the way they are. We looked at the ritual of Hindu worship and learnt about the different items on the puja tray and compared prayer at home with prayer at a mandir. 
Follow the link to learn more about Hinduism:

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