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Week 5

Hello again children and well done for another week of fantastic remote learning! It has been wonderful to see so many photographs of your super learning and to hear from your mums and dads how hard you are all working at home. Keep it up! smiley


Aryaan has been working very hard this week and his mummy told me that he always puts 100% into all of his learning at home. Well done Aryaan for having such a positive attitude towards your learning and for all of your fantastic learning this week.


As you can see Eesa has continued working very hard with all of his learning at home and it was wonderful to hear that he has also been helping his mummy with jobs around the house. Well done Eesa! All of your learning has been fantastic this week but I am especially impressed with your happy tree artwork!


Another week of fantastic learning from Fatima, well done Fatima. It was lovely to speak to your mummy this week and to hear how hard you have been working and how much you have enjoyed taking part in Mrs Burns' Feel Good Friday activities! Keep up the super learning!


As you can see Hamid has been working very hard again this week and done lots of super learning. He has also been enjoying the very snowy weather that we have had this week! Well done Hamid, I know that your family are very proud of all of your hard work and all of your teachers are too!


Thank you to Kanzul and family for getting in touch again this week. Kanzul, we are so proud of your hard work and beautiful writing. It's wonderful to hear that you are continuing to practise your creative skills at home. Keep it up!


Thank you to Rayyan's mummy for sharing this beautiful photo of Rayyan and his sisters this week. As part of children's mental health and well being week they made these fantastic trolls themed friendship hats. Well done children for your amazing creativity skills!

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