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Our moving bodies

We have been exploring the different ways our bodies can move!

Using wooden art figures, we explored different positions. We took photos of our poses with an iPad and traced them using drawing tools.

We drew people in shaving foam using our fingers, thinking about how our bodies change shapes when we create different poses

We used loose parts to create a skeleton! We have been trying hard to name all the different parts of our bodies!

We explored various ways our bodies can move. We used chalk to mark our outdoor movements and created an obstacle course with loose parts. In musical statues, we formed different body shapes. With paint sticks, we made movement maps, using different lines to represent movement styles. We also enjoyed using the projector to explore pose shadows.

Exploring movement through sculpture.

We made sculptures of people using matchsticks and lollipop sticks, joined with playdough. We considered different poses for our sculptures.

We took photographs of ourselves in different poses, then worked hard to draw our chosen pose. Using string, we traced the lines.

We used pipe cleaners to create moving people, carefully twisting them together to join the parts together.

Using moving matchstick men, we explored different poses. Once happy with our pose, we used art straws to create sculptures, practicing cutting and joining skills to create our figures.

Using scrunched-up newspaper, we created large people sculptures. We worked hard to mould the paper into different shapes! We thought our sculptures were so funny!

Movement through sport.

We looked at lost of different sports that will be played in the Olympics! We enjoyed playing football matches and using dolls to recreate synchronized swimming routines.

We looked at pictures of stick men doing different types of sports. We talked about how this made their bodies create different shapes and poses. Using the light box we traced the stick men onto acetate.

After exploring various sports, we used tinfoil to create our own sports people sculptures.

We had a wonderful time on sports day! We took part in lots of team events where we worked together and encouraged and supported our team mates. We practised running, jumping, skipping and balancing.

We then enjoyed competing in running races! We had to run as fast as we could! We were so excited to each get a chance to make it onto the celebration podium and receive our medals!


Still image for this video

We drew sports people on whiteboards. We thought about the different positions our people needed to be in. Using acetate and paint we traced our lines.

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