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The Perfect Pet

This half term our core text is:


To immerse the children in our science learning about animals we visited Blackpool Zoo. This helped us to learn the animals names and we were able to contrast and compare the different animals. We saw lots of incredible animals including elephants and giraffes. 

We have had a visit from a local scientist Steven Lewis Neill. With him we explored the season of autumn and the changes that happens to the leaves on the trees. We sketched the autumn leaves he brought in for us to see. We then looked at some the animals that we might find outdoors during autumn. We observed millipedes, snails and woodlice. We looked carefully at their features and drew them under our leaves. 

During our British Values assembly this week we learnt all about Muriel Dyson and her sacrifices she made in the War. We went on a local walk to visit the Cenotaph in Nelson. Here we looked at all of the names on the memorial wall and found Muriel Dyson's name. Then we laid our class wreath and had a minutes silence to show our respect and thanks for all of the soldiers who fought in the war. 

We have had a special visitor this week from some owls. The children were all fascinated by the owls and learnt some interesting facts. Owls like to eat worms and insects. Owls have waterproof feathers. The children were so brave and some of them had a go at holding the owls. 

In science we learnt all about what animals eat and whether they are a carnivore, herbivore or an omnivore. We investigated different animals poo to see what they had eaten and decide what they were. 

We had a special visitor during our Christmas Party. He gave us all a special present and we all used our wonderful manners to say thank you to him. 

Take a look at our learning journey from this half term!

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