The graphemes we will be learning in this half term will be:
g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll ss
Please help your child consolidate these at home.
This term in Literacy we have been focusing on writing CVC words and sentences. We have been applying all the phonemes we have learnt during our phonics sessions to our writing.
We have been making words using play-doh in continuous provision and then writing them using whiteboards and pens afterwards.
Our core text this half term is:
'The Best Birthday Present Ever'
By Ben Mantle
We have also been learning all about birthday celebrations and have labelled items found at a birthday party using our phonic knowledge.
During our Maths lessons we have been focusing on subitising and the composition of number. We have also been introducing early addition using the 'part, part, whole' method and also using a 10 frame.
Our Autumn walk to Victoria Park
The children went for a walk to look for signs of Autumn. We set off from school and walked all the way down to Victoria Park. We saw lots of leaves that had changed colour - we picked some up and brought them back to school. We absolutely loved throwing the leaves into the air and singing our Autumn song:
'All the leaves are falling down'
We have been enjoying learning all about Christmas. We have had so much fun decorating our Christmas tree and making it shiny and colourful!
Our Church Visit
We visited the church and we had so much fun learning about Christmas. We also had fun making different crafts.