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Spring 2 - Once Upon a Time

This term the children are learning about different traditional tales.  We will be using The Gingerbread Man and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

This term the children have been working with Mrs Brunton.  In music the children have been playing instruments to make the sounds on Wheels on the Bus

Class 3 - Wheels on the Bus

Still image for this video

The children have been applying their maths learning in the outdoor maths area.  They have been recording their own subtraction number sentences and using objects to help them find the total.

On Friday 3rd March Class 3 walked to Victoria Park.  We were looking to find signs of Spring.  We had learnt about Spring before our walk and we were on the hunt!

This week the children used our key text The Gingerbread Man.  The children re-told the story, using 'first', 'next' 'then', 'after that' and 'finally'.  They then enjoyed making their own gingerbread biscuits and creating their own Gingerbread Man for our class.

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