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What If.....?

This half term we are studying the author Jan Fearnley. Our key texts are 'Mr Wolf and the three bears' and 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes. Our end point is to write our own innovated story based on Jan Fearnley's alternative traditional tales.

This half term in music with Mrs Brunton we will be exploring rock music and learning the song ‘I wanna be in a band’. 

In art we will be using the work of William Morris to explore patterns in nature. We will be creating our own wrapping paper for Baby Bear’s party by printing a repeating pattern. We began by evaluating the designs of William Morris and sketching things from nature that we might like to print. 

This week in music we practised keeping to the pulse of the music using our bodies and claves. We also practised using instruments to improvise a piece of music. 

In DT we will be making a moving picture with sliders, flaps and pop-ups. We began by evaluating existing products and looking at a range of children’s books. We thought about which ideas we could use in our own designs. We then practised skills we will need like cutting and joining. 

In music this week we continued to practise for our rock music video and we even got to try on wigs to help us look like a rocker! We used chime bars to practise following a piece of music to the pulse. 

In art we used funky foam to make our printing blocks. We decided which design we would like to print and carefully sketched it onto the foam. Then we added any details to our design and cut it out ready to print.  

In maths we have been exploring money and partitioning different amounts using coins. 

In art we made backgrounds for our wrapping paper using tissue paper and then we used our printing blocks to print our final design with a repeating pattern. 

In DT we made a moving picture using slots, sliders and pop ups. We followed our designs carefully and used the skills we had practiced in cutting and joining. We then evaluated our final products. 

We took part in building bridges and met our friends from St Thomas’ at the Leisure Box. We took part in different sports and team games to help us get to get to know each other and make friends. 

Building Bridges

Still image for this video
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