Welcome to Class 2!
Our teachers in Class 2 are
Miss Noon
Mrs Hussain
Miss Simpson (Mon/ Tues)
Mrs Barton (Wed/ Thurs/ Fri)
On a Wednesday morning Mrs Hutchinson is the class teacher.
We are always at the classroom door each morning and at the end of the day if there is anything you would like to ask.
Miss Noon can be contacted by email here:
You can also contact Mrs Hutchinson (EYFS leader) by email:
Information for Parents
Welcome to Reception
Please click below to visit the 'Reception Starters' area of the school website, for any information you might need regarding your child starting at Whitefield.
P.E Day
Class 2's P.E days are Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school on these day wearing their P.E uniform and has their school water bottle. Our school P.E uniform is black jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and black pumps.
Home Reading Books
An adult will read with your child in school at least once a week. Their home reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday if they have read at home.
Please read with your child at home for 10 minutes each day to help develop their decoding, fluency and comprehension skills. Please write a comment and sign in your child's reading record when you have read with them. If you need any help with how to support your child with reading at home please speak to member of staff in class or follow the link to the reading area of our website.
Our Learning in Class 2
Useful Documents
Our curriculum overview shows the learning your child will be doing in all subjects across the curriculum each half term.
Our vocabulary mats will help you at home to 'pre-teach' your child the new vocabulary they need for their topic, each half term.