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Our core text this half term is The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis.

Welcome to the summer term! We hope you enjoyed the Easter break and that you had chance to spend some much needed time with friends and family. 


This half term our topic is 'Growth'. We will be engaging in a variety of learning experiences to develop our knowledge and understanding of growth in the natural environment.

We began our topic by making our very own Bog Babies! We then planned and wrote a character description as part of our English learning. 

In science we have planted and watered our own sunflowers and we are so excited to see them grow!

We have started to earn about Wangari Mathaai and why she is significant. We worked in groups to recall facts about her and to think of questions we would like to ask her.

We went on a flower hunt in our school grounds to see if we could spot all the different flowers that we have and name them.

We took our Bog Babies to Forest School for an adventure and made habitats for them.

We visited Victoria Park to look at human and physical features and compare it to Central Park in New York.

We learned about the different parts and functions of a plant and made our own models of them.

Steven Lewis Neille came to visit and we learned lots about slugs, snails and camouflage!

We did some digital art work in the style of Georgia O’Keeffe.

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