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Where are we going?- Spring 2

This term the children are learning about different traditional tales.  Our key texts are The Gingerbread Man and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


Making Gingerbread Biscuits

The children have had a fantastic first week back at school.  As part of our key text The Gingerbread Man all the children made gingerbread biscuits.  We followed the recipe and carefully measured out the ingredients.  Once the dough was ready we rolled it out and used a cutter for the biscuits.  We then decorated them with chocolate buttons and icing and put them in the oven.  Luckily none of them escaped! We gobbled them up like the fox in the story!

Our Spring walk to Victoria Park


The children went for a walk to look for signs of Spring.  We set off from school and walked all the way down to Victoria Park.  We saw lots of spring flowers like Daffodils, crocuses and snow drops. We had a go at drawing them when we came back to school.

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