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Autumn 1 - Me and My World



The children we have been experimenting with mark making.  They have been drawing pre-writing patterns and have been learning new graphemes (letters) and the corresponding phoneme (sound).


The graphemes we will be learning in the first half term are:


s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b


Please help your child consolidate these at home.


This term, our key text is Shark in the Park! by Nick Sharratt.

The children have been using a telescope, just like Timothy Pope, to find things around the school.  Back in class the children have been consolidating their phonics learning and applying it to their writing.



In Maths we have been focusing on numbers 1-5. We are using jottings and objects to represent the value of those numbers.



All About Me!

The children have been using different mediums to create their own self-portraits.

"How did you hurt yourself?"

The children created their own hospital in Class 3.  They had bandages and hospital beds and an endless supply of tea and biscuits!  They even bandaged Miss Whittaker's poorly leg!

"Is it an egg?"

The children helped Mrs Worswick with the gardening.  They couldn't believe what they found in the soil.  The children made predictions as to what they could be.


Once the children had cleaned them, they realised that we had lots of homegrown potatoes!  We talked about what we could do with them; we could print with them, peel them and eat them!


When  the children had peeled them we decided to make chips.  The children were very lucky because they had chips for breakfast!

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