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Marvellous Me!

In forest school this week we have being making portraits of ourselves using natural materials. We made sure to show all of our features including our eyes, nose, ears and mouths. 

In maths we have been representing the value of numbers using tens and ones. 

In geography we have been learning about our local environment and identifying the physical features and human near our school perimeter. We have also mapped our journey to school showing the physical features that we pass. 

In History we have been talking about our families and comparing household items and toys to what we use today (present) and to what our grandparents might have used in the past. We compared the similarities and differences. 

In our science learning we have been learning about the functions of our body parts and have completed an experiment testing our senses. We closed out eyes and used our ears, tounge and hands to explore our hearing, taste and touch.  

In maths our focus has been 'measure'. We have been comparing and describing different lengths, heights and masses. We have learnt lots of new vocabulary such as 'taller, longer, shorter, heavier and lighter'. 

Are we all the same?

In science the children have investigated the question are we all the same? They took part in different activities to see what similarities and differences we all have.  We investigated how far we can jump, how tall we are, our shoe sizes and our hand spans. We found out we are all different!

In art we have been looking at the artist Pablo Picasso. We looked at his portraits and discussed the line, shapes and colours we could see. We sketched our portraits and compared them to Picasso's portraits. Then we practised lots of skills to create out final piece, a portrait in the style of Picasso.

In DT we have been evaluating different pop-up and moving books to explore the different methods used before creating our own 3D maps. We also practised different folds to see which would work best for a pop-up map. 

Look at our learning journey from this half term. 

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