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The Perfect Pet (Autumn 2)

This half term our core text is:


To immerse the children in our science learning about animals we visited Blackpool Zoo. This helped us to learn the animals names and we were able to contrast and compare the different animals. We saw lots of incredible animals including elephants and giraffes. 

We had a visit from a local Scientist Steven Lewis Neill. He brought in different types of animals and we learnt all about amphibians, mammals and insects. We talked about how they differ, what they eat and how they change. The children enjoyed this first hand experience to hold and observe these animals.

For our DT learning this Half Term we have created our very own version of the book 'Dear Zoo'. We have investigated existing products, practised the skills, designed our own page, made a moving picture using slots, sliders and levers and evaluated our product at the end. 




Final Product:


In Maths we have learnt about fractions and that a 'fraction is a part of a whole'. We investigated how many parts where in a whole orange to help our understanding. 

In science we learnt all about what animals eat and whether they are a carnivore, herbivore or an omnivore. We investigated different animals poo to see what they had eaten and decide what they were. 

In Maths we learnt about capacity. We used mathematical vocabulary such as 'full, empty, half full, half empty, nearly full and nearly empty'.

Over the next two weeks in English we will be retelling our core text Wanted: The Perfect Pet. This week, our focus has been on verbally retelling each part of the story. We have practised sequencing the main events by creating actions to help us remember our story and using the online platform 'Seesaw' to place pictures in the correct order and record our voices narrating the story. 

Take a look at our super stories!

In Geography this half term we will be learning about the four countries of the United Kingdom. We started this unit of learning by revisiting our previous learning about our local area and talked about Nelson being a town in the country of England. We explored maps of Nelson and used geographical vocabulary to talk about the human and physical features we could see on each map. 

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