We hope that you have all had a happy and restful break.
This half term our topic is 'Grand Designs', where we will be looking closely at buildings, construction and architecture around our local area and beyond.
We have started our new topic by looking at our school logo and discussing why we have a picture of the Whitefield Bridge. Over the coming weeks we will be finding out more about the Whitefield Bridge's construction and history and how we use it today to take us from home to school.
Our core text for Spring 1 is 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.
We have been looking closely at the painting Langlois Bridge at Arles by artist Vincent Van Gogh and making observations of the techniques used by Van Gogh to create his art work.
We described what we could see in the painting using nouns and adjectives.
We then explored the texture shown in the sky, grass and the bridge. We practiced building up this texture using pastels, pencil crayons and watercolours.
In science we have started learning about different materials and their properties. We started off our learning by doing a material hunt around school and spotting things that were made out of plastic, metal, glass, fabric and wood.
We took a walk to Whitefield bridge and looked at the different aspects that we could sketch!
We have been working on our money skills and practicing how to make amounts in different ways with different coins!
We have been learning about the properties of different materials and we played some games to test our knowledge of them and whether we could describe and guess different materials.
We had a very exciting Lego workshop! In this workshop we focused on our local area and how we have lots of different buildings! We had so much fun!