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Traditional tales

This half term we are studying the author Jan Fearnley. Our key texts are 'Mr Wolf and the three bears' and 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes. Our end point is to write our own innovated story based on Jan Fearnley's alternative traditional tales.

You can listen to the stories being read here:


Mr Wolf and the three bears


Mr Wolf's Pancakes

We studied the character Goldilocks in the story and wrote our own character descriptions.

We wrote thank you letters from Baby Bear to Mr Wolf to thank him for organising such a wonderful party.

We created story maps of the original story then changed parts of it to make the stories our own. We used our story maps to re-tell our stories to our friends.

Finally we used our story maps to write our own stories. You can read some of them here...

In Art we have studied the artist William Morris. We explored the lines, shapes and textures in his artwork and recreated our own pieces of art. We used our patterns and designs to make some wrapping paper for Mr Wolf to use to wrap Baby Bear's presents.

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