The sounds we will be learning in the first half term are:
j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa
Thank you for helping support your child at home
with learning these sounds.
Our core text this half term is :
Here Comes Jack Frost by Kazuno Kohara.
We have loved exploring winter as part of our learning around the core text 'Jack Frost'. As part of our English learning we created the character of Jack Frost using lots of loose parts and winter materials before we described him. We have learned about the what a cold environment is like and the animals that like to live there. We had a special job to complete for Polly the Polar Bear as she wanted to visit our classroom but we had to create a cold habitat for her to stay in. The children were very creative in their designs and were very knowledgeable about what an arctic environment should include. During this time we were also lucky enough to experience real snow!
As part of our winter topic the children wanted to learn more about freezing and melting. We created an 'indoor tree' and some 'ice baubles' to observe the effects our warm classroom had on the ice. The children loved observing the results!
After all of the snow the children were concerned about the garden birds and whether they would have enough food. We decided to make them some bird feeders so they wouldn't feel hungry. After hanging them up in our forest school the children were interested in what kind of birds might come and eat from their feeders. We decided to carry out our own 'Big Garden Bird Watch' and created some binoculars and a bird watching hut to see what we would observe. We saw mainly blackbirds and sparrows and a couple of wood pigeons too! We enjoyed creating our own birds and a birds nest out of natural materials that we found in forest school.