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Online Safety Information

At Whitefield Infant School and Nursery we take Online Safety very seriously. We ensure we teach children how to be safe when using the internet.
Here is a great video created by CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) to help teach the children important concepts and actions to keep themselves safe online. Below is a link to the video 'Kim and Lee's Adventure':
If you are interested in reading our Online Safety Policy then click on the link below:

Please click here for our online safety workshop:

Below are some useful leaflets for parents.

We have been learning about keeping safe online. We took part in 'Safer Internet Day'.........

Stay safe online!

Still image for this video
We enjoyed taking part in Safer Internet Day! We learnt all about how to stay safe when using the Internet and what to do if we see something that worries us online. We even learnt a simple rhyme to help keep us safe!

If you have any online safety concerns, please report them to school using the form below:

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