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Me and My friends

In maths we began by learning all about place value. We represented different numbers using equipment and worked on our number recognition. 

In forest school we enjoyed using natural materials to make our faces. We thought hard about which objects to use for each of our features. 

We are very lucky this half term because we are working with Mrs Brunton in music. We are learning a rap called ‘Hey you’. We are learning to play instruments to the beat of the music. 

In art this half term we are concentrating on ourselves. We have done lots of self portraits by sketching, painting and using oil pastels. We have also worked on our skills of shading. 

In science we have learnt about our five senses. We took part in some investigations to explore our senses and think about what it is like to be without different senses. 

In Design and Technology we have made pop up maps of our school playground for the reception children. We practiced our skills of cutting, folding and joining to make our maps

In science we did an investigation to see if we were all the same. We measured our height, our handspans and we measured how far we could jump. We used our observations to answer questions and found out that we are all different.

In music we have been improvising when playing instruments. We have been playing different rhythms and practising our skills ready to play our instruments to the song ‘Hey You’. 

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