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Our Curriculum Intent- English


At Whitefield Infant School, language acquisition is paramount to ensuring children access the whole curriculum effectively. We strive to be good role models as we interact with children and value quality dialogue. The use of first hand experiences, quality texts across the curriculum and artists work further develops children’s understanding of questioning, language and builds up a purposeful and meaningful vocabulary.


We are a reading school. We instill a love of reading in our children through providing them with daily opportunities to read and tell stories with adults and peers. A systematic approach to teaching phonics ensures children develop fluency and confidence in reading and spelling.

Supporting English at Home

English Around Our School

Environments to develop a love of reading

Environments to support writing

English in Action

English in Year 1

Supporting Documents

Our 'Curriculum Overview for English' shows the progression of key texts used across the school.

Our 'Writing Teaching Sequence' shows the sequence and 'build up' of lessons throughout the week in KS1.

Click on the year group links below to see the year group expectations in Literacy:

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