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Marvellous Me!

Our first half term topic this year is 'Marvellous Me'. This theme is a great way of starting our new journey in Year 1 and helps us to focus on what is amazing and unique about us and the importance of friendship and family.


Our core text is What Will Danny Do Today? By Pippa Goodhart


English - This half term our main focus is on orally composing our sentences before writing them down, letter formation, using phonics to segment words we want to write, using finger spaces, capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and full stop at the end.  

For our first Forest School session we talked about our facial features and used natural materials to create pictures of our faces. 

In Science we are learning about the different parts of our bodies and how our five senses help us. 

In Art we are learning about the life and work of the artist Pablo Picasso. 


This week the children looked at themselves closely in a mirror and practised sketching their different features carefully. 

We looked at one of Picasso's most famous paintings 'The Weeping Woman' and talked about how Picasso's portraits are often distorted. We then used viewfinders to explore and recreate the lines, shapes and colours we could see in a different pieces of Picasso's artwork. 

In Science we have carried out a practical investigation to explore the question 'Are all humans the same?' We compared our hand spans, foot sizes, heights and how far we can jump. 

In Geography we are exploring our local area. We have drawn and read maps to show the immediate environment around our school and have talked about some of the human and physical features in Nelson including The Leeds and Liverpool Canal, Terraced Houses, Every Street and Pendle Hill.  

Our Learning Journey for Autumn 1


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