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Class 7

Welcome to Class 7!

Mrs Wilkinson is the class teacher. Mrs Ahmed is a higher level teaching assistant. Miss Aslam is a teaching assistant.

We would all be very pleased to help you in any way we can but, while we are doing our best to socially distance, due to Covid19, we would be very grateful if you could email us with your queries and concerns to


We will reply to you as soon as possible. Let’s hope we can get back to normal soon.



Please click on the link below to open our 'Welcome to Year 2' PowerPoint

Important information for you and your child in Class 7

  • P.E. is every Wednesday afternoon. It would be a great help if your child could come dressed in their PE clothes on Wednesdays
  • If you need to replace your child’s school reading bag they cost £5. To keep everyone safe it would be a good idea to give your child the money as you bring them to school. They will bring their new bag home with them at the end of the day
  • We appreciate that this period of time has been very difficult for everyone but it is so important that you hear your child read every night, just for 10 minutes. It makes a huge difference to their reading ability
  • Home learning will be given out on Wednesdays and should be completed and returned on the following Monday. If your child has found the home learning too difficult, please put a comment in the book so that we can help them with it


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