At Whitefield Infant School, we expect all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share our commitment to safeguarding our children. We will ensure:
The school’s Designated Senior Leader's (DSL) for Safeguarding and Child Protection are:
Our Governor for Child Protection is:
The Designated Person for Looked After Children (CLA/LAC) and Pupil Premium Champion is Mrs Mason.
Specific Leaders with safeguarding roles in school:
We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. All school staff are trained in safeguarding procedures, and children are made aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns. Staff are trained to look out for signs of physical/emotional harm or neglect and are required to report these to the Designated Senior Leader(DSL).
The procedures which we follow have been laid down by the Lancashire Safeguarding Team and the school has adopted a comprehensive Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. On occasions, our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies whom we will share information , in line with school policy guidelines. We will ensure that all concerns are discussed with parent/carers first, before any referrals are made, unless we believe that such a move may be contrary to a child’s welfare.
What to do if you have concerns about a child
Listed below are links to several websites which you can use to report any concerns you may have about a child: - This will provide you with links to the local council/police page for your area.
Alternatively you can contact Lancashire Children Social Care for further advice:
0300 123 6720 / 0300 123 6722 (out of hours)
Don’t delay – call the police on 999
During the Summer Term 2023, our school welcomed an external safeguarding consultant to undertake an audit of our school processes and procedures. This was an great opportunity to showcase our safeguarding culture and advocacy for children's holistic, academic and wellbeing outcomes. Below are some of the many strengths the audit referenced;
Children and Family Wellbeing Service
The Children and Family Wellbeing Service, previously children's centres and Young People's Service, provide services to help with parenting and other support you may need.
They offer different services across a range of locations to meet the needs of the local community including:
For more information or to find out where your local Children's Centre is please click here
Operation Encompass is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which ensures that a child's school is informed, prior to the start of the next school day, that there has been an incident of Domestic Abuse to which the child or young person has been exposed, and which might then have an impact on them in school the following day.
Each school is informed of all Domestic Abuse incidents, not just those where an offence can be identified or those which are graded as high risk. The partnership recognises that all incidents of Domestic Abuse can be harmful to children and young people.
This information will be shared throughout the year, including school holidays and the weekends. Information will only be shared with the school by the police where it is identified that a young person was present, witnessed or was involved in a domestic abuse incident.
A nominated member of staff, known as a Key Adult, has been trained to liaise with the police. At Whitefield Infant School our Key Adult is Mrs Mason. The key Adult will be able to use information that has been shared with them, in confidence, to ensure that the school makes provision for possible difficulties experienced by children or their families. The Key Adult will keep this information confidential, and will only share it on a need to know basis, for instance, to teaching staff for the child or young person. It will not be shared with other school students.
We are keen to offer the best support possible for our pupils and a recent review of Operation Encompass showed that it is beneficial and supportive for all those involved.
Monitoring, Filtering and Online Safeguarding
Protecting Pupils Online
We are committed to providing excellent services to schools and consider the e-safety of the young people using our services of paramount importance. We provide services to support schools in meeting their online safeguarding commitments, helping to ensure effective e-safety for young people.
Web Filtering
Web Filtering
All our broadband connections include Web Filtering as standard. Based on Netsweeper, our service provides safe, filtered, and logged web access for both staff and students and is included in our Broadband and Online Services bundle:
OnGuard is our new Monitoring and Alerting service and is included in your Broadband and Online Services bundle. It includes:
Click here to find out more about online safety at our school:
Useful E-Safety Websites - A non-profit organisation working directly with children, parents and teachers to ensure that the issues of online child protection and children's safe and positive use of the internet are addressed. - The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre has set up its own educational website which has been designed and written specifically for children, young people, teachers, parents and carers. - A beginners guide to using the internet safely, including a quiz and some video tutorials about how to 'stay safe' online. - Kidsmart is an award winning internet safety website for parents and those working with children. It has been developed by the children's internet charity Childnet International and has excellent information on many of the technologies used by children, with guidance on how to 'stay safe' online. - One in five young people have experienced bullying by text message or via email. This website gives advice for children and parents on bullying. - Vodafone have developed this website in conjunction with mumsnet. It is very accessible and provides information and guidance to parents with understanding their child's digital world and get more involved. There is even an online test to see how much you know! - Lots of guidance and articles for parents about keeping their children safe online. - A guide to apps, games and social media sites for parents/carers to check official age ratings, safety features, content, privacy and location tracking and lots of useful tips to support keeping your child safe online.