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Class 5

Welcome to Class 5!



Our teachers in Class 5 are Mrs Williams, Mrs Farrell and Mrs Malik and Mrs Liaqat. We are kind, respectful and always hard working. We enjoy coming to school and learning together with our friends and teachers.  Our classroom has lots of interesting areas to explore. Please take a look below.



If you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss please email Mrs Williams using the following email address:


Thank you for all of your support.

Click on the link below to see the powerpoint and learn all about life in Year 1!

Summer 1

This half term we are exploring 'growth'. Our core text is the ‘Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis. Through this we are exploring our outdoor environment to develop vocabulary, language skills and knowledge of the world around us. We have been observing changes over time by learning about the lifecycles of plants, butterflies and frogs. This key learning has been linked together through a variety of subjects such as art, science, music and geography to provide children with rich opportunities to extend their knowledge and understanding.


Take a look at our gallery of learning below:

Parent Information


Class 5 have P.E. with Mr Dave every Thursday morning.  Please make sure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on this day. 



Home learning and Phonics books will be given out on a Wednesday and they are to be returned to school on the following Monday. If you have any questions about the home learning please see your class teacher.


Your child's reading book will be changed daily, please make sure that they have their reading bag in school every day. Thank you for hearing your children read every day and supporting them on their learning journey. It really does make such a huge difference and we really appreciate your support. 

Take a look around our learning environment
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