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Class 5

Please click on the Power Point link underneath to learn about life in year 1! 

A very warm welcome to our Class 5 page!



Our teachers are Mrs Williams, Mrs Farrell, Mrs Razzaq and Mrs Liaqat. 


In Year 1 children make the transition from the Foundation Stage to the National Curriculum. Their confidence blossoms as they quickly develop the skills to become even more independent in their learning. We learn through practical and concrete activities and work as a team to develop our knowledge and understanding.


We look forward to a very busy and fun year where we will all have our time to shine! 




Parent Information


Class 5 have P.E. with Mr Dave every Thursday morning.  Please make sure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on this day. 


Home learning and Phonics books will be given out on a Wednesday and they are to be returned to school on the following Monday. If you have any questions about the home learning please see one of the team.


Your child's reading book will be changed twice a week. Please make sure that they have their reading bag in school every day. Thank you for hearing your children read every day and supporting them on their learning journey. It really does make such a huge difference and we really appreciate your support. 

Summer 2


For our final half term in Year 1, all of our learning will be inspired by the painting La Grille by Raoul Dufy which reminds us of a secret garden.

We will be developing our descriptive vocabulary in order to write detailed character descriptions and will later write our own fantastic stories about finding a magical garden. In Science we will be spending lots of time out and about in our school grounds and Forest School, observing and recording seasonal and weather changes. We will be developing our art skills by using different tools and techniques to create pieces of artwork inspired by flowers in our school garden.


Take a look at our learning journey so far







Art outdoors inspired by the artist Raoul Dufy

Planting vegetables in our school gardens

Summer 1


Welcome to the summer term! We hope you enjoyed the Easter break and that you had chance to spend some much  needed time with friends and family. 


This half term our topic is 'Growth'. We will be engaging in a variety of learning experiences to develop our knowledge and understanding of growth in the natural environment. These experiences will include watching our class caterpillars to observe growth and change first hand and investigating plants and flowers by planting our own seeds and helping them grow. We will be studying the work of  artist Georgia O'Keefee and using her artwork to inspire our own observational drawings. Take a look below to see our learning journey so far. 



Sports Day 2022


What a fantastic Sports Day we have enjoyed together! All of the children showed wonderful team work and sport skills and we are very proud of you all!


Blending colour to create different shades and tones

Science - Labeling the parts of a plant

Science - Outdoor plant hunt

Art - Observational drawing

Spring 2

Our core text this half term is ‘Tidy’ by Emily Gravett. This half term  the children will be considering the impact of their actions on the world around them focusing on litter and keeping Nelson tidy.

We have enjoyed visits from two creative practitioners who have really helped to bring our curriculum to life.


Our first visit from from Taylor who is part of the Burnley Youth Theatre. During this session we acted out the key events from our core text 'Tidy' and carefully considered how litter makes us feel and the actions we can take to reduce litter around our local area. 

Our second visit was from Steven Lewis Neille (a local scientist) who helped us to explore a range of materials and their properties as part of our Science topic. 


Our favourite part of the session was collecting a range of natural materials and considering how they could be used to make a comfortable habitat for a mouse. We showed a wonderful understanding of materials and their uses whilst working together to make our habitats. 

During our recent walk around Nelson, we were shocked at the amount of litter we found around our local area. We decided to take action and worked together to pick up as much litter as we could to make the streets around our school tidier for everyone. 

Throughout this unit of learning the children have shown a wonderful understanding of the implications of human  actions on our local area and the wider world and have taken action to tidy up and look after our beautiful town of Nelson. Have a look at the amazing outcomes achieved below. Well done children, we are so proud of you!  

Spring 1


Happy New Year and Welcome Back!


Welcome back to the Spring term! We hope that all our children and families had a happy and restful break.


This term our topic is 'Grand Designs', where we will be looking closely at buildings, construction and architecture around our local area and beyond. We have started our new topic by looking at our school logo and discussing why we have a picture of the Whitefield Bridge. Over the coming weeks we will be finding out more about the Whitefield Bridge's construction and history and how we use it today to take us from home to school.   


During Forest School this week, we looked at a variety of different UK landmarks and explored the design and building process further by having a go at building our own versions using natural materials that we collected.


Take a look at our amazing structures in the gallery below:

We enjoyed a wonderful visit to the Whitefield Bridge on Victoria Street. We have been using this local landmark to support our learning in science when discussing materials and their properties and we have also developed our historical enquiry skills by researching the history of the bridge. 






We have been looking closely at the painting Langlois Bridge at Arles by artist Vincent Van Gogh and making observations of the techniques used by Van Gogh to create his art work. 

This inspired us to create our own artwork of the Whitefield Bridge in the style of Van Gogh. 

Below is our celebration of the Whitefield Bridge and what it means to us.

Autumn 2


Welcome back everyone!


We hope that you have had a wonderful week at home with your families. 


This half term our learning will take place around the topic of animals. 

In English, we will be reading a range of texts based on animals and will use these to inspire our narrative and non-fiction writing. Our focus in English continues to be sentence writing - ensuring we remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 


Following on from our learning about the human body last half term, we will be learning about different animal groups and sorting animals into mammals, birds, fish and reptiles. We will also discuss animals in terms of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. 


The children will be using a variety of methods (e.g. maps, Google Earth, globes and research) to find out about animals around the world and their different habitats. 

Our first half term topic this year was 'All About Me'. This theme is a great way of starting our new journey in Year 1 and helps us to focus on what is amazing and unique about us and the importance of friendship and family.


In History, we shared things we remembered from our lives and used chronological language to describe how we have changed over time. 


In PSHE and RE, we have talked about our families and people who are special to us and how we should care for each other.


In Geography, we enjoyed lots of outdoor practical activities to develop our basic mapping skills. We explored the local area surrounding our school and looked for landmarks such as the canal and Pendle Hill.




In Science, we learnt all about the human body and talked about different body parts and what they do. We also identified the five senses and which body part is associated with them.

In Art, we explored a range of drawing techniques to draw self portraits.





English - This half term our main focus was on letter formation, using phonics to segment words we want to write, using finger spaces, capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and full stop at the end. 


Maths - Our main focus areas was sorting objects, counting forwards and backwards, identifying one more and one less, comparing numbers to identify which is smaller and larger, ordering objects and numbers on a number line, addition and subtraction of objects using a part-whole method, and number bonds to 10/20.

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