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Where do I belong?

Our key text that we will be studying this half term is Big Bad Owl by Steve Smallman. We will be learning about the different characters in the story and how they behave. We will be comparing the characters and noticing their similarities and differences.

We created story maps to help us learn and re-tell the story of the Big Bad Owl. Some children used the loose part materials in the studio to create their story map. They re-told and performed the story to their friends.

We went for a local walk around Nelson. We identified different buildings, there uses and talked about who might use them. We discussed whether different buildings were new or old and talked about how we knew. We took photos to help us with our Geography, History and Art learning this half term.

We studied the artist Paul Horton. We explored the colours he uses in his art work and talked about what we liked about his art. We sketched pictures of buildings in our local area and painted them in the style of Paul Horton.

In History we learnt about our local area in the past and today. We talked about similarities, differences and how things have changed.

We learnt about schools in the past and present. We use daily photos and evidence to find out about different subjects taught. We thought about whether we would prefer to go to school now or then.

We found out about significant people that lived in Nelson. Learie Constantine was a cricketer that played for Nelson Cricket Club. He won many trophies and had a huge impact on Nelson's community and made a difference in his home country of Trinidad. We created a timeline of the key events in his life.

In DT we design, made and evaluated a fish puppet to be used by a reception child for story telling. We used the skills of cutting, sticking and joining to make our puppets.

During Music with Mrs Brunton we have learnt to compose, sing, perform and improvise music, whilst learning a new song to sing. 

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