In the second half of the Autumn term, we used the key text The Great Explorer by Chris Judge to support our English writing. The children used the story to help them write their own innovated versions, sending their explorers on their own perilous journeys!
In maths, we covered multiplication, money, statistics and fractions.
Our science learning was all about materials. The children used scientific vocabulary to describe the properties of materials and explain why some materials are suitable for various objects. They investigated which materials would be best to keep a hot drink warm, comparing different materials for cups and lids. A major highlight was the visit of Steven Lewis Neill, who brought along his mice. The children had to use their understanding of materials to create a suitable home for a mouse using natural materials found in our forest school. They all did a great job and showed super teamwork skills.
In computing, the children continued to use the mouse and keyboard to develop their digital literacy skills. They also played logical reasoning games to prepare them for their coding topic next term.
In history, we investigated Captain Robert Scott's Terra Nova expedition to Antarctica in 1910-1912. After sequencing the main events on a timeline, the children considered his motivations for going to the South Pole and examined the consequences of his decisions.
In music, the children enjoyed learning our Christmas song, Ho Ho Ho! They practised singing and played glockenspiels and xylophones along with the backing track. They also created their own dance moves to bring our performance to life.
Our objective in geography was to name and locate the world's seven continents and five oceans. The children learnt their names and locations using atlas's and globes as well as through songs.
In art, we were inspired by the landscapes of Ted Harrison and his use of bright, vibrant colours. The children practised creating their own versions, using oil pastel lines that resisted the watercolour paints. The children's art was so good that we used them to make calendars for them to take home.
Our design technology project was to design and make a cheese sandwich for ourselves or a friend to enjoy around the campfire in forest school. We found a lovely afternoon in the sunshine in the final week to enjoy them with some hot chocolate.
Burnley Youth Theatre very kindly visited us every week to enhance our drama skills and develop the children's confidence and creativity. The children really enjoyed the sessions and showed their super acting skills.
Leading up to Christmas, we looked at the Christian story of Jesus's birth in R.E. We also thought about our key question, 'Why do Christians see Jesus as the light of the world?'
We also looked at the Hindu festival of Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita. We learnt about the story in assembly and acted it out in the studio. The children created mendhi and diya lamp designs and made lanterns to take home as part of the celebration.
In the last week of term, the children had a surprise visit from Santa himself! They all received a gift as a reward for their good behaviour and hard work.
The children have had such a busy half-term and have worked so hard! They are making good progress and it is great to see how far they have come since the start of year 2.