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Did it really happen?


Our topic this half term is The Great Fire of London. As an introduction to the topic we built a campfire in the forest school. We observed it closely which generated descriptive language. This vocabulary will be used to write poems and will help us think about what it must have been like in 1666 when the fire happened. We will be writing non-fiction about the fire and use learning from our History lessons to support this.


In Science we are carrying on with our learning about living things and their habitats. We are going to find out how animals are suited to their habitats. We will explore the micro-habitats around our school and record living things that we find. We will make a micro-habitat for the mini beasts that live in our forest school. We will design the perfect habitat for an animal with everything it would need to survive. 


As part of our Fire of London topic, we will look at paintings from the past and closely observe the colours we found. We will have a camp fire and draw flames through observation. We will then practice drawing flames by looking at the lines and the shapes in different images. We will then use recyclable materials to create 3D sculptures of flames, finishing them with paint.


In history children will be learning about the Great Fire of London. They will investigate what happened, look at different sources of evidence and using books and the internet, will research the main events. They will create a timeline to sequence the events and compare changes in fire-fighting over time. They will also compare Nelson’s most significant fire - at the Imperial Ballroom 1976.


In Geogrpahy we are going to be looking at the characteristics of the United Kingdom countries and capital cities. We will use atlas as, digital maps and videos to develop our knowledge of the four countries and their capitals. We will select landmarks to research and create information books. 


Our topic this half term in R.E is Islam. The children will think about different routines that Muslims have both at home and in school and the rules they follow. They will learn about the declaration of Shahada and the 5 pillars of Islam. They will learn about how people show commitment and obedience in their lives and link this to respect to others. The children with think about how Muslims pray and how this shows their obedience and commitment to God. They will think about what really matters and how important it is to make time for people and things that matter in life. 

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