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Looking after Nelson

Our core text this half term is ‘Tidy’ by Emily Gravett.





This half term we will be considering the impact of human actions on the world around us - with a particular focus on litter and how we can help to keep Nelson tidy.

For our first week of learning in English, we looked at the poem 'What is Pink?' by the poet Christina Rossetti.


This inspired us to write and perform our own wonderful poems all about different colours and what they remind us of. 

We started off our learning about David Attenborough and why he is significant.

We have done lots of learning about length and measuring length!

We organised a timeline of David Attenborough’s significant life events.

Today we looked at what make structures strong, we made and drew some of our own too!

We went on a litter pick around our local area! We were so upset to see the mess, but we felt really proud of ourselves for tidying up.

Steven Lewis Neville came in today and taught us about the different wildlife we can find in our local area!

We practiced joining methods in preparation for making our mosques soon!

We designed and built our own mosques! They are AMAZING!

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