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The Perfect Pet

Take a look at our learning journey this term...

We had a special visit from Santa Claus this week! He wished us all a very Merry Christmas and we were very lucky to get a present each! 


In DT we have been learning about the 'sliding mechanism'. We looked at lots of different 3D pop up books and created our own slot and slider of a penguin sledging down a hill. We had to be very careful with our cutting and think how we would be best to stick our penguin to our lolly stick. We evaluated our sliders and talked about what we could do to make them even better next time. 


To extend our learning on animals we have been talking about what they eat and whether they are 'herbivores, carnivores or omnivores'. We conducted an investigation to see what the animals had been eating and matched the correct label to each animal. 


We have been investigating capacity in measures this week. We learnt and used lots of new language to describe how much each container held and then we measured ‘how many cups’ we could fit in each. We compared the sizes and ordered them from those that held ‘most’ to ‘least’. 

Our Visit from a Tortoise!

In English we have been learning about a tortoise and what it needs to be safe and healthy in its habitat. Mrs Willan brought her pet tortoise in and told us all the things it needs. We also learnt lots of extra facts like 'it is cold blooded' and 'it is a reptile' to help us in our Science learning all about animals. 

Developing animal vocabulary

In addition to our Science learning all about animals we watched a talk from a bird specialist who showed us lots of different and very beautiful owls. We learnt that not all owls are the same! They can look different, behave different and even have different special skills! 

Outdoor Learning

In our learning this week we have been writing g setting descriptions. We went into the woodland area and collected vocabulary to describe what we saw. We then used the word bank to write our own settings and bring them to life

Remembrance Day

After learning about Remembrance Day, we visited our local Cenotaph in Nelson to lay a wreath and pay our respect to those who died in the war. In our collective worship assembly, we learnt about Muriel Dyson a lady from Nelson who fought and died in the Royal Airforce. We managed to find her name on the cenotaph memorial. 


We have been working with the Scientist Steven Lewis Neil to learn all about the seasonal changes in autumn and what happens to the leaves and trees and why. We compared different leaves and also learnt about the different types of animals that like to hide in the leaves at autumn time. We named and compared these animals looking at their different features. 

Our Trip to Blackpool Zoo

We had a an absolutely fantastic time at the Zoo looking at all the different animals getting ready for our learning this term! We named and talked about all the animals we saw and will be linking our zoo learning to our English and topic work throughout the term. Take a look at some of the things we saw so you can ask us about them at home. We were so tired we nearly all fell asleep on the bus home! 

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