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Autumn 1 - Nursery Rhymes

We have been learning all about the nursery rhyme 'Twinkle twinkle little star.'

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, 'Twinkle Twinkle Litter Star'.Subscribe for more Early Years clip...

We looked at the painting 'Starry Night' by the artist Vincent Van Gogh.

We looked closely at the features of the painting talking about differences between day and night. We used our super art skills to create our own 'Starry Night' art work. 

Our 'Starry night' art work

We have been learning the rhyme 'Baa. baa black sheep' 

Baa, baa, black sheep | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme 'Baa, Baa, black Sheep'.Subscribe for more Early Years clips from ...

We have been practising counting objects Accurately . We began by counting 3 objects from a large group, making sure we said one number for each object. 

We used wool to explore mark making.

Old McDonald Had A Farm

Old MacDonald had a farm | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, 'Old MacDonald Had a Farm'.Subscribe for more Early Years clips f...

This week we have been learning all about farm animals. We have been listening to the sounds that animals make. We played with farm animals in our small world area and worked hard to replicate the sounds that animals make.

We used farm animals to practice counting! We took our time making sure we said one number for each object. This is how we make sure our counting is accurate! 

Horsie Horsie 

Horsie, horsie don't you stop | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, Horsie, Horsie, Don't You Stop.Subscribe for more Early Years cli...

This week we have been learning about the rhyme ‘Horsie,horsie’ In phonics we used the claves to keep a steady beat to the music. 

In phonics we created our own instruments using plastic bottles. We practise playing our instruments in different ways (bang, shake, rattle) and talked about the different sounds we could make. We used our instruments to keep a steady beat.

We have been sorting loose parts into different categories in maths. 

Incy Wincy Spider

Incy wincy spider | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, 'Incy wincy spider'.Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC...

Look at our fantastic mark-making!

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