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School Improvement

The School Improvement Plan Process


The School Improvement Plan (SIP) enables the school’s vision to be shared and understood by the whole school community. Our aim is to work and learn together as a community in order to improve and be the best that we can be. The School Improvement Plan should give everyone an understanding of where the school is going and what actions will be taken to ensure we get there. We set clear timescales for implementation and determine how to effectively use both human and material resources to support specific goals. It also helps us plan and prioritise our budget and guides how we plan and organise staff training. The School Improvement Plan is designed to give a sharp, clear focus to those aspects of our work which we believe are most in need of improvement.


Everyone has the chance to contribute ideas as to how our school can improve. Staff and Governors meet termly to review how successful our improvements have been and agree priorities for the coming year. We ask parents, staff and children to share their ideas through questionnaires and the school council. We want everyone to support us and help us improve and this can only happen if we are all involved.


Once we have agreed the priorities, the Leadership Team identifies targets for improvement by writing the School Improvement Plan. There are four Key Priorities for the plan. We wish to achieve each target as fully as possible; therefore they will drive our training, resources, teaching and learning, monitoring, evaluation and review over the next year.


Professional development INSET days are an important part of this process. In addition to this, all staff are keen to keep up to date with new initiatives. Therefore, individual teachers and support staff have undertaken training throughout the year in order to further their own professional development and to strengthen the subject expertise on the staff.


Leaders of Learning also develop their own Subject Leader Plans, which identifies key areas for development within their own curriculum area for the academic year to ensure we achieve the best outcomes for our children.


Click below to see our headline school priorities
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