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Spring 1- Hot and Cold

This half term we have been learning all about Winter. Our Core text this half term is 'Here Comes Jack Frost' by 'Kazuno Kohara'.

Class 2 children have been exploring the seasonal change 'first hand' and incorporating Literacy learning outdoors. They have been forming letters, writing their names and making marks in the ground frost and recent snowfall.

Have a look at the fun we have had exploring Winter :

We have re-enacted a 'snowflake serenade' using scarves and light materials.

We have acquired lots of new Winter language such as :


swirling        twirling

frosty           falling

softly            gently

shivering       frozen


Can you think of any more

Winter words?

Snowflake Serenade

We have really enjoyed colour mixing different hot and cold colours this half term. The children have mixed together blues, whites, greys and purples to explore lots of different 'cold colours'. They have compared these colours to 'warm' ones by mixing reds, oranges, yellows and browns together. 

Exploring cold colours

Exploring warm colours

We have also been learning all about the effects of Winter on our environment and the animals that live within it. The children have been very busy making bird-feeders to help them understand the need to look after the natural world around them and all the living things. We went to the Forest School and hung our birdfeeders on the tree branches to hopefully entice some birds in.

Bird Feeders

In Maths we have been calculating our own addition number sentences using the 'part, part, whole' method. We have even been writing our own number sentences and representing our calculations in the Maths Area.

Maybe you could calculate some more addition number sentences at home?

You could add together all your pairs of Winter socks, or pairs of gloves.


Thank you for helping support 

your child at home with their learning :)

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